Topic - Case Studies

Mind: Tower Hamlets and Newham
Do you have a mental health concern? Mind is supporting people in our local boroughs.
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Poplar Pop-ups prove a great success!
From a 3 year old learning to skip to a 60 year old turning her hand...
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A Crafty International Women’s Day at Aberfeldy!
Aberfeldy Centre celebrated IWD with some great activities, including free workshops hosted by Sunny Jar Eco...
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Play Street comes to Bygrove St and Ricardo St!
Play Street, a road closure allowing children to play and the community to get together, will...
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International Women’s Day 2019
Friday 8th of March celebrates International Women's Day! We look into this year's theme of Balance...
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“Go Go Go”: Christmas Mile Run at Langdon Park
A festive run and healthy treats with Manorfield Primary School!
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Hot Spots
Founder Penny, volunteer Lisa, and regular Mumtaz tell us more about Poplar's Menopause & Women's Wellbeing...
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The Nutrition and Cooking Workshops are a Hit!
We spoke to a regular participant, Mohammed Sattar, to get his views on the class.
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Elizabeth’s Exercise Classes
We spoke to Elizabeth Stout, a wonderful fitness instructor currently running women’s exercise classes at the...
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From Pots and Pans to Popular Fitness Classes: Lukki Lashley’s Journey.
From cooking in the kitchen of the Teviot Centre to leading two very successful fitness classes,...
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20 years of Line Dancing – Lynn’s Success Story
Lynn Hill has been leading these line dancing classes for 20 years now, bringing together people...
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